Nashville, TN
The 17th reunion was held on May 10-12, 2012

in Lancaster, PA



A wonderful and successful 16th reunion was had by all.

Nashville is a very friendly city and the southern hospitality was quite visible wherever we went. The weather was warm and we had the opportunity to witness what cicada bugs were all about (noisy critters). Thank goodness this only happens once every 13 years.

Our pre-tours to the Grand Old Opry and the General Jackson Showboat luncheon cruise proved to be enjoyed by all. Entertainment and food were great. A souvenir character doll was given to Charlie Hooper at the showboat luncheon cruise by a member of the cast. Mame, his wife, then generously donated it as an item for draw at the ladies breakfast. Thank you also for being such a great MC at the ladies' breakfast.

All crew members attending received their packets on opening day. Included was a letter from Harry resigning his position as Chairman.

City tour brought us to the Tennessee WWII Memorial and admission to the Ryman Auditorium and the Country Music Hall of Fame, followed by a tour of the city.

The banquet was quite a night. An honor Guard Salute for Harry for all his work began the evening, followed by a superb meal and an entertaining DJ who kept the dance floor quite busy.

Having such a great group of people in the Association is what makes our reunions such a success.

Hope to see you all again at the 17th YAGR Reunion in Lancaster, PA

By Roland and Yvonne Cote (AGR-10) from YAGRGRAM #60




The YAGR'S Association business meeting was held on Saturday, May 28th at 9 AM.  Harry Miller convened the meeting.  In his opening remarks he thanked John Hemminger (Lookout) who collected dues and sent out membership cards, and Roland Cote (Outpost) and Ynonne Cote for their work putting together and mailing the YAGRGRAMS.
Harry reviewed the work on the YAGR's exhibit on the Battleship Massachusetts and extended a thank you to Roand Cote, John Hemminger and Dave Terry (Outpost) for their work.  The work is just about complete except for some painting.  Future work will be mainly field days.  He discussed our good relationship with the administration of the battleship and several projects, in addition to, the YAGR's exhibit, that YAGR's contributed to.

One hundred ninety eight people attended this 16th reunion: 103 crew members and 95 spouses and guests.

Harry then moved on to the most important mater to be decided upon, that is the NEW LEADERSHIP for the YAGR's.  He explained that due to health issues, he will not be able to continue running the organization.  He suggested a leadership of chair, treasurer, and secretary, and opened the floor to volunteers, nominations and discussion.  The results, as listed by a message from our new Chairman Lee Doyal, on this sites home page, shows that Lee Doyle was elected Chairman, Don Baldwin was elected Treasurer and Mel Harder was elected Secretary.  Treasurer Don Baldwin was replaced by Armend R. Lamarche at the 2012 reunion.

The next order of business was a location for the 2012 YAGR's reunion.  The choices were Detroit, MI, Moorhead City, NC, and Lancaster, PA.  The 2012 YAGR's reunion will be held in Lancaster, PA.  The nomination was made by John Regina (Outpost).

These minutes were prepared by Mel Harder.
