Located in Battlship Cove, Fall River, MA
This section of the exhibit on YAGRS.org will display pictures of what has been accomplished over the years with major funding donations and a lot of effort of dedicated former Picket ships crew members as they gathered days at a time to get everything you will see in these pictures accomplished. There is too much effort here to not recognize those involved. So, another section, on YAGRS.org, of this effort has been assembled to show pictures of the construction, name the players, and display what they had to do to get probably the best looking exhibit aboard the Massachusetts constructed. Because there are so many pictures to show, and the lengthy time it takes to download graphics, we will display most of the pictures as "thumbnails". You will click on the "thumbnail" to display the picture full size then click "back" on your browser to view more pictures. After you have viewed the exhibit go to the links above to see how this all took place.